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Kinkakuji is bucket list worthy
Everybody has a bucket list right? That list of awesome travel destinations you want to see before you kick the bucket, those epic experiences you want to try before you leave this world. Your bucket list a cool way to target some great places for your next holidays. Most of all it is an effective way to set challenging goals...
seton homeschooling
As another school year starts we were very excited to unpack the homeschool box and check out the Seton Homeschool Curriculum for Grade 6. This is the third year we have Homeschooled our son at Seton and we're very keen to see how Grades 4, 5 and 6 compare. Why Seton Homeschooling? You may wonder why on earth a travel blog...
disneyland annual passes
Disney is the Happiest Place on Earth, if you believe the Disney site. Family memories that last a lifetime are created every day at Disney Parks. Disneyland Annual Passes can be a great way to create your own precious Disney memories, but do you know which passes offer the best value? Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read...
How to Start a Blog
So you want to be a blogger? Creating a blog is a great way to unleash your creative passion. You can easily tell the world about that ‘thing’ that you are so interested in. All you need to do is to start a blog of your own, then the sky really is the limit! It's Easy to Start a Blog These...
travel guide to Panglao Philippines White Beach
When you travel overseas it is best to work out all the difficult things before you go. This is so you don't waste tot much of your precious time when you arrive, figuring out what SIM card to buy, or what attraction to see first. Would you like a summary of the most important things to research? Note: This post...


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