Sofia Bulgaria is not really on the tourist map, but there is plenty to see in this interesting city. They say this is the second oldest city in Europe. It is built on Roman ruins, and the whole city seems to be an archaeological wonder. But you need to be a little careful if you visit this city. That’s why I’ve put together these top 10 tips to visit Sofia Bulgaria.
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Tip 1: Beware of Rip-off Taxi Drivers
I’ll give you a typical taxi experience in Sofia. First, the taxi driver will take you the long way, due to one-way streets. Then he will take you yet another long way to avoid unexpected roadworks. Nothing
Finally, you arrive at your destination. When you hand over 20 Lev for the fare the driver quickly reaches down and then holds up 5 Lev. The taxi driver looks you squarely in the eye and emphatically states “You only gave me 5 Lev.” Your jaw drops as you wonder how this driver could be so deceitful.
These are all from actual experience in Sofia. Yes they are extremely dodgy taxi drivers. If you hand over 20 Lev, you must say out loud “I’m giving you 20 Lev”. Better still, take public transport or walk.

Tip 2: Taxi Me App
There is a neat phone app called Taxi Me. It’s a bit like the Uber or
Hailing a taxi is a better way to go, they are generally plentiful around the city
Tip 3: Bulgaria is Uber Free
You will not find Uber in Sofia Bulgaria. So, unfortunately, Taxis are your only choice for getting around Sofia. I am a big fan of Uber (and Grab) because the app will calculate the fare for you, not some dodgy taxi driver. Sofia desperately needs this layer of honesty, I hope it arrives soon.

Tip 4: ATM’s Are Hard to Find
I don’t quite know why ATM’s are notoriously hard to find in Sofia. Even at the main Serdika Bus Station, where international buses drop off their passengers, I could not find a single ATM at the bus station. I had to walk inside a supermarket across the street to find an ATM.
As you walk around the city center you do not see ATM’s everywhere as in other cities. The best plan is to not let your cash run out before finding an ATM, and leave a bit of spare cash in your wallet.
Tip 5: SIM Cards Are a Hassle to Buy
In some countries, SIM cards are very easy to buy. For instance, in Australia, you can just purchase tourist SIM cards in vending machines when you arrive at the airport. Not in Sofia.
You are required to produce your passport, and the seller must call the phone company and give your passport details to activate the SIM card. This can lead to a rather time-consuming experience.
So where do you purchase SIM cards in Bulgaria? The city subway stations have many vendors like fast food and newspaper shops in the station entrances. You can find vendors here who will sell you a SIM card. If you buy one of the main 3 brands you can’t go wrong, that’s A1, Telenor or Vivacom.

Tip 6: European SIM’s Don’t Work in Bulgaria
One thing we love about Europe is that when you buy a SIM card, it magically works in different countries when you travel about. For example, we purchased a Three SIM card at Heathrow airport and used it all over Europe.
Not in Bulgaria. European SIM cards won’t work here, instead, you’ll have to purchase a new SIM card. I hope this changes in future, but in the meantime it may pay to check out the phone WIKI before you go.
Tip 7: Public Transport is Cheap
It’s a good

Tip 8: City Centre Prices are Inflated
Bulgaria is one of the cheapest cities in Europe to visit. Accommodation is cheap and the food is cheaper. But not in the city center. Here you will find street vendors selling food and drinks for the same price as you would pay in downtown London. Walk a couple of blocks and you will find the same stuff for a quarter the price.
Tip 9: Try the Local Food
Make sure you go to a local cafe or restaurant to sample the local food. It is very cheap. Servings are huge. And it is very very tasty. Sofians love their meat and the portions are oversized. We couldn’t get enough of this cuisine, and it’s quite healthy too!

Tip 10: Get Accommodation in the City Center
Sofia is a fairly compact city in that most of the best attractions in Sofia are within walking distance in the city center. So it is a wise choice to get accommodation in the city center.
Hotels are not exactly plentiful, so we recommend an Airbnb apartment in Sofia city center. Staying in downtown Sofia will also help you to avoid those shady taxi drivers.
Impressions of Sofia
The thing that caught our eye in Sofia is the high level of graffiti. It’s everywhere. This tells us that the youth are a little out of control. So I think it pays to be a little more careful than usual when walking around Sofia.
We also noticed a high number of homeless people and beggars. So once again, this may be a good indication to be careful of your possessions as you wander around, particularly at night. And make sure you have some loose money to give to those needy people you pass on the street!

Apart from these minor precautions, we found Sofia to be a pleasant city to stroll around, and the people friendly enough. Shopping is scattered and not of a high standard, so don’t visit Sofia expecting some kind of shopping paradise. But what Sofia lacks in shopping it definitely makes up for in amazing tourist attractions.
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